Microscope Components

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This is a product designed to complete cell experiments by using a rocker, three-axis arm and a syringe. This microscope suite is capable of performing a wide range of laboratory experiments and cell surgeries — such as virus or biological evolution and mutation research — that require a combination of microscope components critical for exploring the microscopic world. The minimal design style is used to simplify the complex laboratory environment. The product’s revolutionary structure is simple to use and reduces product volume. The controller employs a hanging rocker, which facilitates the conversion of scientific research operations, simplifies the operation process and eliminates human error. In addition, the collision of white and cold grey creates a sleekness that expresses precision and experimentation, and the CNC machining method ensures product accuracy. These features come together and make it easier to collaborate with scientific researchers to complete precise operations.

 Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Life Science

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