Corporate Publishing

Megatrend Report M8 – Crossmapping the Future

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Under the title “Crossmapping the Future”, the Megatrend Report M8 deals with the great mega­trends of the future such as artificial intelligence, exploring the future potential of South America and analysing its geopolitical, social, economic and technological opportunities and risks. For Bosch, anticipating and linking such trends is the source of innovations, new products and new markets. Focusing on people’s relationship to technology and the underlying parameters of ethics and value orientation, this explorative book on the future aims to push boundaries through essays that provide deep insights, compact fact sheets and interviews with innovative thinkers and influencers. Inspired by the famous Golden Record, a phonograph with images and sounds from Earth, which the Voyager space probe has been flying through space for over 40 years now, the differently designed chapters feature a lot of art and inspiring illustrations in black-and-white or colour, making the M8 book an important compendium for the developments of the future.

Statement by the Jury

Outstandingly rich with elaborately researched content and a correspondingly complex and sophisticated design – this is how the new Bosch corporate book presents itself. The compendium on artificial intelligence not only reflects the great significance of this topic, it also scores in terms of editorial layout paired with a congenial design embracing a wide variety of typographies and illustrations in each chapter.

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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