ALDI Nord used the 50th anniversary of hip-hop as an opportunity for a TikTok challenge in which young artists were invited to rap to three free beats and upload the result under the campaign hashtag #gutebeatsfüralle (good beats for everyone) – based on the brand claim “Gutes für alle” (good things for everyone). The three winning raps were then professionally produced.
ALDI Nord, Essen, Germany
Accenture Song Germany, Hamburg, Germany
ICONOCLAST Germany, Berlin, Germany
Project Team:
ALDI Nord:
Stefan Michels (Director Customer Dialog & Engagement)
Matthias Kräling (Team Lead Social Media)
Catharina Santanius (Manager Social Media)
Angelina Reinders (Specialist Social Media Advertising)
Accenture Song Germany:
Anita Müller (Creative Director Art)
Michael Lautner (Creative Director Copy)
Nicole Schroeder (Account Manager)
Simon Pechermeyer (Copywriter)
Yasmin Taga (Social Media Manager)
John Drewes (Group Creative Director Copy)
Benjamin Allwardt (Group Creative Director Art)
Tim Felicetti (Group Account Director)