Complete Plate is a sushi plate that thoroughly considers the process of consuming sushi. Incorporated into the outer circumference of this innovative plate design is an ‘O’-shaped ‘dish’ function for soy sauce that goes from deep to shallow. ‘O’ as a shape also symbolises ‘consumption’, ‘precision’ and ‘perfection’ for many cultures in Asia, such as in Japan.
As one dips into the soy sauce and enjoys the sushi on the plate, the soy sauce ‘moves’ and gradually completes its journey in an ‘O’ form, representing delicious food and goodness, as well as blessings and gratitude for the meal. It also creates a dynamic ritual for the eating process.
Furthermore, the design eliminates having to worry about how much soy sauce is being dipped into as one would encounter with a traditional plate. Simply swipe the food through the soy sauce, and the sauce will be evenly dipped to the appropriate amount.
Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Culinary