Food Packaging
The design of these egg boxes revolves around the colourful and vivid illustrations of three chicken characters. They are portrayed as heroines, with Captain Mahe representing free-range eggs, Madame Coco synonymous with organic eggs and Miss Nelly with barn-laid eggs. Their names and clothes were chosen specially for the Greek market. For example, the word “mahe” means “fight” or “battle” in Greek. Captain Mahe wears denim overalls and a red bandana, has tattoos on her left arm and epitomises the image of a rebel. The inside of the egg boxes includes games such as wordsearch puzzles.
Client:Avgoulakia, Athens, Greece
Design:A.S. Advertising, Athens, Greece
Project Team:Antonia Skaraki (Art Direction) Andreas Deskas (Graphic Design) Evri Makridis (Graphic Design) Valia Alousi (Web Design) Sotiria Theodorou (Text)