Red Dot Jury selects the year’s best products – the winners of the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2022 have been chosen
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- The Red Dot Jury: 48 experts from 23 countries
- Hybrid judging process held successfully once again
- Publication of the winners and award ceremony on 20 June
In 2022, designers, design offices and manufacturers from all over the world entered products in the Red Dot Award: Product Design. Following the motto “In search of good design and innovation”, the 48 international members of the Red Dot Jury assessed each product entered professionally, individually and comprehensively. Only those products that won over the experts with their outstanding design quality won a distinction.
The award-winning companies set new standards in the design industry with their entries. The winners include major well-known brands as well as newcomers that are more than able to compete with the big players. “The quality of this year’s award-winning products is impressive. Innovative, high-quality and well-designed industrial design features in all of the competition categories. Once again, the Red Dot Jury used its extensive expert knowledge and nuanced understanding to take the right decisions and safeguard the quality of the Red Dot Label,” says Professor Dr. Peter Zec, founder and CEO of Red Dot, speaking about the result of the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2022.
The Red Dot Jury 2022
The Red Dot Jury is an independent panel of experts. This year, it is made up of 48 judges from 23 countries. What they all have in common is their design expertise, which they have accumulated during their careers as professors, consultants, industrial designers or journalists.
This year’s Red Dot jurors are:
David Andersen, Denmark
Renne Angelvuo, Finland
Prof. Masayo Ave, Germany
Martin Beeh, Germany
Dr. Luisa Bocchietto, Italy
Gordon Bruce, USA
Gisbert L. Brunner, Germany
Rüdiger Bucher, Germany
Vivian Wai-kwan Cheng, Denmark
Mårten Claesson, Sweden
Vincent Créance, France
Martin Darbyshire, United Kingdom
Stefan Eckstein, Germany
Robin Edman, Sweden
Joachim Faust, Germany
Prof. Lutz Fügener, Germany
Hideshi Hamaguchi, Japan
Prof. Renke He, China
Prof. Carlos Hinrichsen, Chile
Simon Husslein, Switzerland
Tapani Hyvönen, Finland
Guto Indio da Costa, Brazil
Qiong Er Jiang, China
Gerald Kiska, Austria
Prof. Cheng-Neng Kuan, Taiwan
Annette Lang, Germany
Dr. Tom Lockwood, USA
Uwe Melichar, Germany
Wolfgang K. Meyer-Hayoz, Switzerland
Prof. Jure Miklavc, Slovenia
Prof. Ron Nabarro, Israel
Prof. Dr. Ken Nah, South Korea
Ken Okuyama, Japan
Simon Ong, Singapore
Max Ottenwälder, Germany
Hon.-Prof. Dr. Sascha Peters, Germany
Dirk Schumann, Germany
Mario Selic, Germany
Prof. Song Kee Hong, Singapore
Dick Spierenburg, Netherlands
Leon Sun, China
Kazuo Tanaka, Japan
Aleks Tatic, Italy
Prof. Axel Thallemer, Hong Kong
Nils Toft, Denmark
Prof. Danny Venlet, Belgium
Sylvia Vitale Rotta, France
Dr. Joseph Francis Wong, Hong Kong
Hybrid judging process
The fair assessments carried out by the Red Dot Jury each year involve touching and trying out the products entered and discussing them directly with the other jurors. Professor Dr Peter Zec, founder and CEO of Red Dot says: “A product cannot win a distinction in the Red Dot Design Award based on an assessment that only uses a photo. Our standards are higher than that.”
To meet these standards even in an extraordinary year like this one, the originals of the products entered were available to view in situ in the Red Dot Judging Hall. The hybrid judging process put in place in the previous year was used again. This involved introducing the products to the jurors in video calls. The jurors discussed the products at length during those calls. “The basis for the Red Dot Award is a good assessment platform, and we made sure this was in place again this year. The jurors were able to scrutinise the details of all of the products. Everyone involved wanted to ensure that the assessment standards were maintained, even in these different circumstances”, explains Peter Zec.
Mülheim/Essen airport was available for the evaluation of the cars and motorcycles. There were also two jurors present: Lutz Fügener, Professor of Engineering Sciences Design and Mobility, and Vincent Créance, Head of “The Design Spot” at the University of Paris-Saclay, test drove and assessed the vehicles. A live call with fellow juror Ken Okuyama in Japan was made for the final assessment.
Award ceremony and publication of all winners on 20 June 2022
After a two-year enforced break, the Red Dot Gala will take place in person again this year in Essen. All of the laureates are invited to celebrate their success together in Essen’s Aalto Theater and in the Red Dot Design Museum on 20 June. The names of the winners will be published online in the winners section at www.red-dot.org on the same date.