
Red Dot Award: Product Design 2015 - video clip “Guide to success” with Gordon Bruce

The “Regular” registration phase is continuing until 27 January 2015 and manufacturers as well as designers from around the world are entering their products for the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2015. Being one of the most renowned design competitions in the world, it awards good design quality for almost 60 years now.

To have best possible opportunities in the competition, there are some important aspects, which should be considered by the participants, such as the submission of fully functioning original products. In the video clip “Guide to success”, Red Dot juror Gordon Bruce talks about exemplary products and provides valuable tips for a successful participation.

Gordon Bruce is responsible for numerous innovations at Lenovo, Samsung and other premium brands. Since 2008, the design expert from the US has enriched the Red Dot jury with his comprehensive background and therefore knows exactly what participants should bear in mind.

Registration periods Red Dot Award: Product Design 2015
Regular: until 27 January 2015
Latecomers: 28 January – 11 February 2015

» Information on the Red Dot Award: Product Design and registration