Red Dot Award: Design Concept

Design Concepts promoting safe distancing

Productive, time-saving and innovative

Remembering concepts over the years that encouraged working remotely that were seen as productive, time-saving and innovative. These design concepts can be a safer option when interacting with others. With 42 categories at the Red Dot Award: Design Concept to compete, deliberately broad categories encourage unhindered imagination and innovation. This is the precursor of today’s design challenges and tomorrow’s great product.

Portal Telemedicine Headset

Portal Telemedicine Headset is a wearable home telemedicine system that facilitates remote online communication with a doctor. Comprising of a detachable camera, a stethoscope and an integrated eye camera, the headset format provides functional familiarity and audio privacy but most importantly it offers access to the wealth of high-quality vital data offered by the vascular structure of the ear (via an in-ear pulse oximetry sensor and tympanic thermometer).

Used in combination with an online camera-enabled computer device, with a secure software platform similar to Skype, your doctor will have access to an appointment organiser, contact list, prescription issues and medical history file while in consultation.


A novel approach to drug delivery, Klarus automates many of the tasks that patients often struggle with when using auto-injectors regularly. Klarus could be used for diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis or to administer vaccines. Klarus could also enable some cancer patients to be treated at home using drugs that are currently only allowed to be given in a hospital. It opens the door to the emerging world of companion diagnostics and truly personalised medication, where treatment is tailored to the individual patient using genetic information.

Samsung SDS Enterprise Conferencing

Samsung SDS Enterprise Conferencing provides an experience that feels just like attending a meeting in person. With this web conference platform, users can communicate and interact better, just as though they are physically in the same room. Any attendees’ profile can be viewed by tapping on their profile icons, and one can even get a good view of other participants’ expressions and actions when needed. Three types of environments are provided depending on the relationship between the participants and the context of the meeting. Apart from the speaker’s content, the listening and presentation mode is shown as minimised components. This helps participants focus on the speaker.

Explore the categories of Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2021.

The Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2021 is open for submissions.

Submission Dates:

  • Standard submission: 10 February – 24 March
  • Late submission: 25 March – 17 May

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