Creating Identities
HID is known worldwide as a technical specialist for smart cards, mobile IDs and passports. With the redesign of the electronically readable passports for the Kingdom of Bahrain, HID also demonstrates its feel for the visualisation of identities: the Kingdom’s cultural heritage is reflected on every page in a variety of ways, while the security features have also been skilfully integrated into the narrative design.
Red Dot about HID
I wanted to develop a narrative approach and take the passport holder on a journey through the pages. We agreed on twelve page themes, such as faith, history, nature, government, innovation, sports, etc. On each spread, the left-hand page represents the past and the right-hand page the present.
Colin Herbert Howell
Awarded in
Awarded projects 2024
Bahrain ePassport
Das Design dieses E-Passes entstand in Kooperation mit lokalen Künstlern und Kalligraphen. Der rote Einband spiegelt die Nationalflagge wider, während die Visumseiten Motive zur Geschichte und zum Fortschritt Bahrains zeigen. Interaktive Daumenkino-Elemente wie galoppierende Araberpferde und ein Falke, der über die Seiten schwebt, verleihen dem Dokument Dynamik.