X Cones

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These traffic X Cones are set up with a dovetail joint that allows four flat bars to lift up or flattened back down easily. Each bar is 60cm long and if two bars meet end to end, they form a total length of 150cm. With these raised flat bars, the cones can be lined up in different combinations, depending on the situation, to cordon off access to certain areas and spaces. Each of these cones can be stored easily thanks to the simple form and design. With a simple snap, the flat bars lift upwards from the sides of the cone. A small notch at the base of the cone also makes it easier to release the bars. There are three small grooves on the spoke to secure two combined bars. This flexible design allows users to create several traffic cone zone combinations for maximum range and usage. This concept was sponsored by the Chenming Mold Ind Corp.(UNEEC) through the UNEEC Application Design Competition, which aims to nurture creative talents in Taiwan.

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