Client: Telefónica Germany, Munich, Germany
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Whitestrips Advent Calendar
This giveaway, which was distributed at selected chemists and pharmacies in the pre-Christmas period to increase costumer loyalty, plays with the image of a white Christmas. It is designed in pure white; even the embossed numbers on the doors do not interrupt the monochrome look. Behind every door are two blend-a-med Whitestrips, which – if used over the entire Advent season – are to provide snow-white teeth. With the help of a small mirror which is behind the 24th door, the result can be checked.
Client:Procter & Gamble Service GmbH, Schwalbach am Taunus
Design:Leo Burnett, Frankfurt/Main
executive creative director:Andreas Läufer
creative direction:Hans-Jürgen Kämmerer
art direction:Julia Rottmann, Andreas Ristau
text:Benjamin Merkel
account management:Martin Krauter
production:Netti Weber