Interior Design

Top Time Office

뒤로 다운로드

Located in an old plant area in the prosperous Central Business District of Beijing, Top Time Office is an office for movie and TV talents as well as creative people. The original walls and ceiling of the old plant were to be retained as much as possible. The concept utilised multiple high-quality coloured glass boxes for integrating steel plates and bars into an elaborate construction. Areas for meetings, work, make-up, fittings, discussions, reception and so on are partitioned and arranged in a tonality that is almost pure white. The specially designed working droplights and suspended ceiling lamps exude an especially ornate and dynamic appearance in this pure white world.


The clear and consistent design concept has led to the creation of a delightful, creative ambience, incorporating a suitable framework for the dynamic media of film and TV work.

Red Dot: Honourable Mention

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