Wellness Area

Sweet Spa

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Wellness is a very broad term that stems from the 1950s health movement in the USA. It brings together the ideas of bodily wellbeing and mental relaxation, as well as healthy eating and exercise. With it go a variety of things and activities that everyone can do to make themselves feel “good” all over. A central aspect of wellness is an individual understanding of holism. The Sweet Spa is a highly contemporary expression of this wellness philosophy; it is a miniature wellness centre offering as it does a high degree of comfort and relaxation also for private use. The inspiring design makes it possible to combine a steam bath and wellness programme with aromatic essences and pampering, as well as invigorating showers in a space of just three square metres that however still offers enough room for two people. The clear luxurious design of this wellness unit and its carefully considered functionality give it a feeling of indulgence and entertainment, which is heightened by the atmospheric RGB-LED lighting and high-quality materials such as glass wall cladding and a bench in Korakril. The clear and measured architectural concept of this wellness unit makes it fit well into a domestic environment. One example of this thoughtful yet functional design is the large glass door that provides both good sound proofing and a visual link to the surroundings.


According to the jury, Sweet Spa by the Italian manufacturer Starpool takes the steam bath out of the cellar and turns it into a luxurious oasis for the bedroom. Thus, the wellness unit becomes part of an architectural concept and of the interior design. Sweet Spa’s ease of use and the choice of exclusive materials underline the coherent design and offer a high level of luxury even in limited space.

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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