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Solace combines durable workwear, high visibility features, and improved fall arrest technology into a comfortable and convenient one-piece suit. It is designed to eliminate the risk of suspension trauma, which can occur within minutes after a fall from height in a typical work harness. This trauma occurs when the femoral arteries are compressed by the groin straps of the harness and circulation is greatly impeded, which can eventually lead to unconsciousness, cardiac arrest, and worse. To fundamentally change the way a fall is arrested, Solace replaces traditional groin straps with auto-tightening thigh cuffs incorporated into each pant leg of the suit. These thigh cuffs are laced to webbing woven through the suit and sit loosely around the legs. During a fall, the webbing is pulled taut and the cuffs are automatically cinched tightly around the upper legs. The force of the fall will be evenly distributed across the thighs, and the knees raised to a slightly seated position. This fall arrest method allows blood to flow normally and reduces the risk of groin injury. It also allows an unconscious or injured user to hang safely while awaiting rescue. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Protection

Red Dot

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