Stereo-Thematic Student Magazine

NORTE #2 – Werden & Sein

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Each issue of the NORTE magazine explores two terms or concepts, which are closely related, as for example “Becoming & Being” in the current issue. Accordingly, all articles revolve around this topic, discussing questions such as: “What does the development process contribute to the finalised work?” and “Are fixed definitions, identities and conditions just tools for the construction of our reality?”. The format reflects this topic in the form of a more than 12 metres long, fan-fold paper web. It allows “endless” reading from the beginning to the end and vice versa from the end to the beginning, thus illustrating the convergence of becoming and being. Also the layout is no longer bound to classic page margins, but features large-scale image series spreading over several pages and visualises the content in a diversified and exciting manner, for example with a variable type area and a wide range of different styles and illustrations. Statement by the jury »The special achievement of this magazine is that it translates content and concept into an appropriate formal solution. The fan-fold format is used as a dramaturgical element that counteracts the usual reading direction. Each single page presents a surprising new design and underlines the exemplary nature of this work.«

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