GroDoor | Growing Door

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The growth of a child goes beyond physical growth to also involve the emotional transition from attachment to parents to independence from them. This means the awakening of self-awareness from little privacy requirements to the need for more and more private space. Therefore, the Growing Door is proposed as a concept for children that accompanies them on this journey of growth. The holes in the Growing Door can be gradually filled in with decorative plugs as a child grows up. These plugs collectively represent the marks of a child's height, the first book he/she reads, his/her debut on the stage, the first honours and any other remarkable or important moments in his/her life. Meanwhile, the plugs also function as door handles, hooks of customisable height and festive lights. All these components make this children's door a growing door that guards and accompanies them. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Ready to Launch | Childhood

Red Dot: Honourable Mention

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