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Cradle is an ear wearable that aims to empower seniors with autonomy and assurance. The sensors from Cradle pick up clear biometric data due to the strong pulse rates around the ear, enabling accurate tracking of health for seniors all day. Speaking to Cradle can help seniors organise personal calendars or communicate emergency needs. Cradle also comes with a mobile application that visualises the health of seniors to provide them and their families with the assurance of health. There are 3 layers within Cradle for triaging emergencies. Firstly, sensors continuously track and identify the health condition of the user. Secondly, a touch button is available to call for help. Lastly, Cradle enables verbal interaction to communicate directly with the Senior Activity Centre for immediate assistance. Overall, it ensures full coverage of all possible emergencies. Any data collected from Cradle can help identify the hotspots of falls and health risk factors in seniors to help future designers and policy makers plan for better interventions or preventive measures. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Ageing

Red Dot

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