Espresso Machine

Breville Creatista Plus

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Watching how a barista prepares coffee in a traditional café is highly exciting as the process is an expression of a centuries-old tradition. The Creatista Plus espresso machine ties in with this experience and is mainly targeted at coffee aficionados with a penchant for hot milk-based recipes. Based on an innovative concept, it helps to conveniently create popular coffee recipes ranging from a classic creamy cappuccino to a velvety smooth latte. Boasting a premium look, the machine, used with Nespresso coffee capsules, ensures intuitive operation via its clearly structured user interface. It gives users the choice between a variety of milk-based recipes including different milk foam textures, temperatures and quantities, as well as the possibility to generate micro-milk foam essential for latte art. Thanks to this innovative concept, the Creatista Plus delivers easy and intuitive operation. After selecting the preferred coffee, users simply have to fill the provided milk jug and place it on the temperature sensor. The milk is then heated to the ideal temperature without requiring any further action, while the steam wand automatically froths the milk to the texture needed. Embodying a consistent concept, the Creatista Plus espresso machine thus enriches almost any household by offering contemporary, sophisticated coffee drinking pleasure.


The design of the Creatista Plus espresso machine is inspired by classic professional espresso machines and fascinates as much as its self-explanatory operation does. It enriches the kitchen ambiance with its formal presence and an intuitive menu control that offers high user comfort. In a simple manner, this espresso machine allows users to create popular coffee recipes, including the perfect milk foam texture for the chosen recipe. It thus congenially addresses the demands of the target group.

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