Client: Renault, Boulogne-Billancourt, France
Brand Design
As a leading construction company for exclusive high-rise buildings in South Korea, ACRO launched a flexible brand identity that underlines the concept of contemporary minimalism. The solid black brand logo was made even bolder to represent the brand’s high-end nature, while its symbolism was strengthened by resetting the proportions. The straightforward colour palette uses a deep black to express the essential aspects of the brand and leaves a lot of white space when shaping customer experiences. The monogram underlines the brand’s prestigious aspirations and showcases appealingly stylish lines.
Client:DAELIM Industrial Co., Ltd., Seoul, South Korea
Design:DAELIM Industrial Co., Ltd., Seoul, South Korea
Project Team:Victoria Kim (Creative Direction) Contents Planning Team (Brand Experience Strategy) Hyemi Moon (Brand Experience Design) Jungeol Bae (Brand Experience Design) Yongha Jeong (Brand Experience Design)