
The best in communication design – BBDO, Lenovo and Mister Spex

On 4 November 2016, the best of the best of the Red Dot Award: Communication Design will receive their trophies on stage of the Konzerthaus Berlin for their outstanding communication campaigns. It remains exciting: Only on the evening of the awarding ceremony it is announced, who will receive a Red Dot: Grand Prix. This year’s winners include BBDO Berlin, Lenovo and Mister Spex.

Six awards for BBDO Berlin

BBDO Berlin received six distinctions in the Red Dot Award: Communication Design 2016 including four Red Dot: Best of the Best awards. One of this was awarded to the TV spot “Shock” for the new smart fourfour. The four seater has all the benefits that people associate with the twoseated smart fortwo: simple parking, small turning circle and driving fun. But it also has two more seats. The idea: driving the smart forfour feels so much like driving the iconic smart fortwo that you forget you have a backseat.

Also for the work “smart parking ramps”, the agency received a Red Dot: Best of the Best. A visually striking campaign to point out, that driving the new smart actually feels as if the whole city was designed for easy parking – like a massive multi story parking ramp-shaped city. 

Furthermore, BBDO Berlin was honoured with two Red Dots and one Red Dot: Best of the Best for the project “The 2 Euro T-Shirt - A Social Experiment”. The campaign shows a T-shirt vending machine at the Alexanderplatz in Berlin. But instead of simply receiving a t-shirt, customers were shown a video of its production. Afterwards, they could choose between buying the T-shirt or donating the money. BBDO documented the results of the experiment in a video, which sparked a big discussion amidst consumers and - what is more important - between consumers and producers. 

Red Dot: Best of the Best for Lenovo

Also the computer manufacturer Lenovo can be glad about a distinction with the Red Dot: Best of the Best – For the packaging design of the new Lenovo Yoga series consisting of smart phone, tablet and notebook. The earth tone paper material and less printing makes the design simple, authentic and, above all, eco-friendly. The package was designed to be as thin as possible and contemporary. When opening the box, the lifting structure will slightly lift up the product which adds a small element of surprise.   

Retail Design: Red Dot for Mister Spex

Mister Spex from Berlin was awarded in the new category Retail Design. The spatial concept of the online glass provider for its first store convinced the Red Dot jury. It combines the best of both worlds - online and offline. The transparent space, with a modern yet cosy atmosphere and featuring inspiring structures, welcomes customers. The brand logo is integrated into the spatial concept. Its curved shape and indirect lighting give it the look of a curtain that is opening up the shop. The product range is clearly arranged according to types of glasses, each one fitting a specific facial type. The spatial communication strategy with highlight presentations and easy-to-read information boards creates the link to the online offerings preparing customers properly to pass the process of buying glasses online as well as offline.

Dates of the Red Dot Award: Communication Design 2016

Red Dot Gala
4 November 2016
Konzerthaus Berlin, Germany

Designers’ Night & winners’ exhibition “Design on Stage”
4 November 2016
E-Werk Berlin, Germany