
Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2015 – Providing a wider platform for innovation

Calling for entries for this year’s Red Dot Award: Design Concept. Companies, design studios, universities and designers alike from 63 countries submitted 4,791 entries of their best innovative ideas during the Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2014. 2015's best design ideas and prototypes will emerge from a total of 31 concept categories. The categories are deliberately wide to ensure limitless imagination. With the introduction of two new categories, designers are encouraged to think beyond the conventional list to define new innovations and explanations.

To provide an outlet for the botanical and animal world, a new category has been introduced: “Flora and fauna”. Product concepts and prototypes can include harvesting devices, growth encouragement, watering devices, sprinklers, hydroponic devices, pet toys, pet accessories, and prosthetics for animals.

The category of “Security” is diverse and wide ranging and recent world events have provided an opportunity to think of protection and safety from environmental or external elements. In the category of “Security”, entries that are accepted will generally be concepts or products which prevent harm or injury. For “Security”, entries which are expected will include concepts or products that provide safety, such as, security devices for home, buildings, environment, asset and personal security, anti-theft and anti-infiltration devices.

The Red Dot Award: Design Concept’s standard submission period will end on 25 March 2015. Designers, manufacturers, studios and universities from all over the world are once again invited to submit their design concepts, prototypes and ready to launch products for the competition.

Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2015 – Dates
Registration periods (up until and including):
Standard submission: until 25 March 2015
Late submission: 26 March – 20 May 2015

Judging: June 2015
Awarding ceremony: 25 September 2015
Exhibition of the winning products: from 26 September 2015

» Further information and registration

» Jury of the Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2015 ready to start