
China Good Design – registration phase ends on 25 July

The registration phase for China Good Design is currently under way. Until 25 July, manufacturers and designers from all over the world have the chance to take part in the competition, which recognises well-designed products by Chinese and international companies and raises their profile on the Chinese market. To this end, a jury assesses all of the entries nominated on site in the southern Chinese city of Xiamen and awards the China Good Design Award to the best designs.

China Good Design benefits from experience
The “Middle Kingdom” is no longer seen as a mere mass production location. Instead, the economic value of good design is gaining more and more recognition there. Professor Dr Peter Zec, founder and CEO of Red Dot says: “It was time to establish an independent Chinese design competition based on international standards. With China Good Design, we guarantee our high standards and thus our competency, integrity and quality.” The competition is still in its infancy and, because it is organised by Red Dot, has been subject from the outset to the strict rules and more than 60 years of expertise of the Red Dot Award. China Good Design has been taking place in collaboration with Xiamen Municipal Government since 2015 and is hosted by the Xiamen Culture Media Group.

Xiamen International Design Week shows award-winning products
All of the products nominated and the winning products are presented at the “Xiamen International Design Week – Red Dot in China”. The event takes place from 3 to 5 November in the “International Conference and Exhibition Center” in Xiamen. Around 150,000 visitors are expected to attend. In addition, the award-winners benefit from extensive communication measures, can use the winners’ label and are published in the China Good Design Yearbook as well as in the online exhibition. The award ceremony and after-show party will take place on 3 November 2017 in Xiamen.