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Atelier Walter Oczlon

Analogue passion

Walter Oczlon studied photography and commercial art at the Higher Federal Institution for Graphic Education and Research in Vienna and attended the master class for photography. This may have laid the foundation for his professional career – but the driving force is pure passion. Since 1979, Walter Oczlon has been running his own studio in St. Johann and Salzburg – a successful enterprise that now gives him the freedom to realise long-cherished projects. These are quite often found between two book covers, though of course not in any arbitrary form: Walter Oczlon is a perfectionist with a passion for the art of book design, for materiality and for craftsmanship.

Hence, “Verhüllungen” (Coverings) is not literature for fast consumption, but instead wants to be discovered page by page. After all, it is a 31-metre-long accordion fold book, for which he captured coverings of all kinds in public spaces with his camera. “Photography is my joy. Bookmaking is my passion,” says Walter Oczlon, and he is equally enthusiastic about the collaboration with the bookbinder, who had to be extremely meticulous and ultimately bind the books by hand. The result is an impressive work in terms of design and printing that proves how touching the analogue can be, especially in digital times. It is timeless and outlasts any kind of covering.

Red Dot about Atelier Walter Oczlon

Photography is my joy. Bookmaking is my passion.

Walter Oczlon

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Employees as of 2023


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Publishing & Print Media

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