Designer profile

fantomas —
Exciting Design and Sophisticated Packaging

The fantomas Design agency takes a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to design, working across different media. Its creatives like to ask questions no one else has yet thought of and work together with clients to determine what is at the heart of each project. Thanks to the agency’s many years of experience and its innovative approach, fantomas Design is able to provide customised 360-degree solutions. The team is driven by the desire to inspire and create successful projects that are exciting and sophisticated. As the Munich-based creatives believe, “well-conceived packaging triggers a reactive reflex that makes the consumer want to buy the product at any cost. Also, intelligent packaging design tells consumers a lot about the product beyond any textual information. Through graphics and shaping, packaging provides the best way to inform about the product’s price segment and to appeal to a specific target audience”.

Interview with fantomas Design

Red Dot: The colour scheme of the Dallmayr packaging is highly unusual ...
fantomas Design: The aim was to fuse tradition with modernity. We kept the external sleeves as plain as possible, in order to put the illustrations on the packaging foil on full display. The colour spectrum was selected so as to create a fresh, colourful appearance that still establishes a uniform look despite the different coffee blends available.

What have been the reactions to the new design?
We have seen that the buying incentive works. The packs with the new design are generating increased sales compared to the previous specialty range of Dallmayr coffee.

“Exciting Design and Sophisticated Packaging”