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WAVE SUMMIT 2020 is a summit on artificial intelligence (AI) that is organised in China by the National Engineering Laboratory for Deep Learning Technology and Application and in collaboration with the Chinese search engine operator Baidu. The motto in 2020 is “Deep Learning Developer Summit”. The Wave Summit, which is being held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, provides technical courses and conferences at which the latest scientific findings and technologies are presented and made available. In addition, the event also serves developers in the field of deep learning as an important communication and interaction platform and it displays the emerging geek culture in local science and technology enterprises. The event is targeted at everybody who is deeply involved with AI technology, from developers, scientists and companies to university lecturers, students and technophiles. The brand name “Wave” identifies the wave of scientific and technological developments as the driving force for advancement today – it is assumed that artificial intelligence will develop in three waves, of which we are currently in the second. The visual identity of the brand is based on mathematics and aims to optimally represent the propagation of the wave for the respective medium. Since deep learning ultimately relies on high computing power, computer algorithms were used to generate these wave patterns. This innovative use of electronic data processing to generate a visual idiom thus reflects the technical way of thinking underlying the entire summit. Geometric patterns create an impression of movement, an appearance that is further reinforced by colour gradients in the brand colours of blue and green as well as pink. This design look is consistently applied to all media ranging from print materials, website and merchandising items to presentations as well as the animation and augmented reality design.

Red Dot

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