Smart Wireless Stethoscope

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Smart Wireless Stethoscope provides a fresh interpretation in the form of a compact digital stethoscope designed for portability. It reproduces the usage style that doctors are used to, but with digital sound. The Smart Wireless Stethoscope connects to wireless earphones and allows for auscultation at a distance while producing clearer and more precise sounds than conventional stethoscopes. Smart Wireless Stethoscope conveniently allows both tones to be transmitted through one side of the stethoscope by selecting the mode with a button. Its upper handle is protruded to improve grip for auscultation, and a hole in the surface allows for better finger contact. A LED indicator on the stethoscope provides a clear visual distinction between bell mode and diaphragm mode, allowing the doctor to quickly identify the mode in use. For more convenience, Smart Wireless Stethoscope can be connected to Bluetooth earphones, eliminating the need for direct contact with the patient to maintain a safe distance between doctor and patient. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Ready to Launch | Wellness and Beauty

Red Dot

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