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Sartorius, a listed company headquartered in Göttingen, Germany, was founded in 1870 and is today one of the leading international suppliers of products, technologies and expertise for the manufacture of biopharmaceuticals. In 2020, Sartorius undertook a strategic repositioning of the brand. Under the new brand claim “Simplifying Progress”, the company has since presented itself as a partner for research and industry that aims to simplify their customers’ work and help them to achieve medical progress more quickly. In the course of this repositioning, a relaunch of the brand’s visual identity was also undertaken. The new brand logo, from now on, represents the entire group, as the brand names of the acquired companies will be integrated under the Sartorius name as part of a single-brand strategy. With its reduced design, the logo itself underscores the brand promise of simplification: it consists of the brand name in capital letters with clear, graphic shapes. The letters are slightly intertwined, while at the same time unnecessary lines were avoided and omissions were created on the letters to convey openness. A pure yellow with a strong signal effect is used as the brand colour, which sets Sartorius apart from its competitors, as otherwise mainly blue and red are used as colours in this industry. Together with the two other brand colours, pure black and pure white, this creates a memorable triad that significantly increases the brand’s recognition value. In addition, a grid system was introduced to create a highly structured layout with rectangular areas filled with the brand colours, images and information. The entire corporate design is focused on clarity, comprehensibility and flexibility to achieve a high degree of brand consistency in the global market. All elements are reduced to the essentials as much as possible. This includes the corporate typography “TT Norms Pro”, a geometric sans-serif typeface, as well as the signage systems, the business stationery, the packaging design and a pool of more than 500 brand icons. The combination of all these elements creates a coherent, crossmedia brand presence which, due to its high conciseness, is easily recognised upon first contact with the brand.

Red Dot

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