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Each REGENERATIVE T-SHIRT is made in Japan from recycled polyester with the patented BRING technologyTM. The packaging box of REGENERATIVE T-SHIRT can be reused as a ‘mailing box’. After unboxing a new t-shirt, old clothing that is no longer worn can be placed in the same packaging box and sent to BRING. BRING then recycles the material to make new clothing. To produce REGENERATIVE T-SHIRT, polyester is chemically recycled through a process that depolymerises discarded clothes and lint into monomers and repolymerises them into new clothing. Polyester (PET) can only be recycled once using traditional methods. However, the ‘Regenerative Polyester’ process of BRING technologyTM allows polyester to be chemically recycled and regenerated indefinitely while retaining the same quality as virgin polyester. BRING converts polyester, which would otherwise end up in landfills or incinerated, into sustainable materials. Polyester is recycled with 96 percent efficiency in this process, resulting in a 49 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions compared to a T-shirt made of virgin polyester.

 Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Ready to Launch | Sustainability

Red Dot

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