Playpal - A Communication Device Designed For Kids

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The goal with Playpal was to develop a device that connects children with their parents while also introducing technology in a less intrusive manner to enhance their everyday, real-life experiences. Playpal consists of a main unit that is primarily used for communication with parents and other children. It is also supported by several modules that allow for solo exploration or fun games. Through the Playpal modules, physical play and meaningful connections is encouraged. When there is more than one Playpal at a party, the modules can be traded among friends or used in collaboration to create an even greater experience. How about a flashlight to guide you through your neighbourhood adventures, or maybe a camera to capture all the interesting things around you? Playpal isn’t just about the solo- adventures — the goal is to get the children out of the basement and connect with each other, making physical play more interesting again with games such as Hide and Seek 2.0. With Playpal, children can gain independence while maintaining touch-points with their parents. Parents can use the app to relive and reflect on the child’s day, while also introducing them to the digital world and teaching them how to navigate it. Playpal provides a safe environment for children to grow and develop a healthy, long-term relationship with technology.

 Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Childhood

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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