Client: Salzgitter AG, Salzgitter, Germany
Otto Group Annual Report 2017 / 2018
Digitisation is high on the agenda within the Otto Group. And so is the topic of values, both in relation to challenges in the company with business virtues such as reliability, fairness and responsibility, as well as in relation to values in society. Values – and thus the current questions of how they connect with the digital revolution and how to live them meaningfully – therefore were moved to the centre of attention in the 2017 / 2018 annual report. Quoting the executive board, employees and politicians, it sheds light on how to deal with raw materials and the requirements from technology or politics, and which economic values must be given particular attention. The topic of values also becomes visible in terms of the report’s appearance and its layout, which conveys the content in an easy-to-grasp manner paired with authentic imagery. In addition, with sustainability in mind, the report has been published on MSC mix and climate-neutrally certified paper compiled into a Swiss brochure with a thread-stitched binding.
Begründung der Jury
The design of the Otto Group annual report impresses with the style of its illustrations, which extend from beginning to end. Also remarkable is the sense of lightness with which the topic has been approached – a lightness that is reflected not only in the engaging implementation of all design means including text, colour, image and paper, but also in the fact that the employees speak out openly and naturally.
Client:Otto GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg, Germany
Design:STRICHPUNKT, Stuttgart / Berlin, Germany
Creative Direction:Tobias Nusser
Art Direction:Svetlana Visnakova
Account Management:Antje Grieshaber
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