Opera GX Mobile is the first mobile browser designed specifically for gamers on the go. It features custom one-handed navigation with a Fast Action Button (FAB) as well as haptic feedback through vibrations. With the Flow feature, it is possible to sync the mobile and desktop browsers, enabling the sharing of files, notes, videos and gaming content like walkthroughs, tutorials and character builds between devices. In addition, it offers instant access to GX Corner – a one-tap space for gaming news, deals and a game release calendar.
Opera Norway AS, Oslo, Norway
Opera Norway AS, Oslo, Norway
Project Team:
Opera: Sylwia Moczała (Graphic Design)
Michał Świączkowski (Graphic Design)
Bartłomiej Guzenda (Web Design)
Anna Trojanowska (Animation)
Maciej Kocemba (Project Management)
Kizny Visuals: Patryk Kizny (Film Production)
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