Poor assembly or operating instructions can be aggravating, which is bad for profit and sales. MagicManuals® improves this aspect of product customer service by combining cutting- edge user interface design with simple and intuitive workflows. The solution is divided into two parts: the client’s user interface for the product manufacturer and the visitor’s user interface for the customers.
The client’s user interface enables manufacturers to quickly set up a customer self-service portal by uploading product manuals and corresponding product information. Social sharing and content-based customer reviews can be integrated, as well as workflows such as ordering replacement parts or initiating a return. These features can be published in a matter of clicks and made available to visitors immediately. Visitor interactions will also be recorded for deeper insights into consumer behaviour and product performance. On the other hand, the visitor’s user interface allows access to different forms of product information instantly and intuitively. It helps customers discover more products that complement their previous purchases and the integrated social platforms make it easy to share feedback and opinions.
MagicManuals® is offered as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). No technical knowledge is required, and set-up takes only a few minutes. MagicManuals® simplifies customer service processes and creates incentives for cross- and up-selling. The streamlined provision and management of product information saves resources and lowers administrative and technical costs.
Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Ready to Launch | Interaction and User Experience