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Imagine the possibilities for play in the food industry with surfaces that can shift? Loopop is a group of interactive edibles that are designed with computational thinking and prototyped with multi-material 3D printing. Loopop provides the textural experiences and colours of a traditional lollipop that can only be created with a digital skin, thereby delivering a unique interactive experience that had only existed in the digital world. This project ultimately aims to reinvent the physical design and user experience by applying advanced digital technology. It is an experiment that exemplifies the possibilities of ‘Illusory Material’, a new material organisation that creates dynamic viewing experiences through lenticular 3D printing. Intricate patterns, plays on light refractions and altered viewing effect can all be created with ‘Illusory Material’. When observing Loopop from different angles, people see a continuous colour change that looks like a digital screen playing in a loop. This is achieved by adding a lenticular layer on top of the traditional three-colour lollipop; a computational workflow was designed to generate lollipop geometry for the desired outcome. A small recreation of the lollipop, over 100 years since the sweets were invented, may lead to a big step towards a more playful childhood. Hopefully, Loopop will be the candy to be remembered by the next generation. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Ready to Launch | Childhood

Red Dot

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