Hype is a chat service built into a mobile browser that allows users to easily set up an account and chat instantly with secure end-to-end encryption. The app was developed for Africans to give them new ways to express themselves. It lets them browse the web, chat with friends, and share self-created memes and stickers with other Hype users. The app offers a range of sticker packs created by African artists such as Musonda Kabwe from South Africa and Jonathan Agyei-Peprah from Ghana, featuring everyday expressions currently popular in sub-Saharan Africa.
Opera Norway AS, Oslo, Norway
Opera Norway AS, Oslo, Norway
Project Team:
Patrick Huertas (Art Direction)
Chet Callahan (Creative Direction)
Charles Hamel (Product Management)
Anders Bjarnle (UI Design)
Daniel Hernik (Project Management)
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