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The German family-owned company Gira was founded in 1905 and develops system solutions for electrical and networked digital building control. Today, it is one of the leading providers and best-known brands in this industry. In 2020, the company had decided to reposition the brand in order to not only make the Gira brand known to end customers, but also to further strengthen the idea and brand focus of “Smart Home / Smart Building”. Gira was awarded the Red Dot: Best Brand in the 2020 competition for this new brand presence and the “On / Off” campaign, which already extended the target group approach to the end customer. The brand’s follow-up campaign, entitled “On. Off. Next Level.” is now aimed at further increasing brand awareness among end customers and strengthening the emotional connection to the brand among all target groups. The core message remains “We’re the ones with the switches. But we’re so much more”, which metaphorically bridges the gap between “On” and “Off”. The current brand campaign focuses on staging this area between “On” and “Off” as a world that offers an almost infinite spectrum of experiences, nuances and emotions made possible by intelligent technology. This field of tension between emotion and technology, light shapes and shadow play also forms the basis for the visual identity of the campaign. A range of spectral colours plays an important role in defining the different business areas. Red light, for example, stands for security, blue for smart home technology and purple for switch design and function. Each colour provides intuitive access to the products in the brand’s portfolio. When focusing on the overall brand, the motifs reflect the entire spectrum of all light colours to express that all facets come together here. The concise visual language of the photo and moving image material combines close-ups of people suggesting closeness with the colour worlds and shadows and thus manages to convey the message on an emotional level in addition to the pure product information.

Red Dot

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