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People with physical disabilities have difficulties moving around in life and face discrimination from society. A normal life is even more difficult for people with disabilities who can’t afford expensive custom-made prosthetics. Gear is designed as an intuitive, low-cost leg prosthesis to address this problem. Consisting of separate customisable components, Gear simplifies the complex structure of ordinary prostheses without sacrificing precision, thereby meeting all basic movement needs while greatly reducing cost. The most expensive part of a traditional prosthesis is the customisation of the telescopic calf structure. In Gear, however, the calf structure is created as a separate component that is held together by the knee joint and foot components. It is also made with simple common materials that can be customisable in metal, wood or plastic. These modifications make it easy for users to customise their very own Gear at a lower cost. The installation is easy. By turning a knob, the bayonet mechanism built into the joints can be adjusted and locked to secure a calf component of any reasonable thickness or form. In terms of foot design, the curved outsole ensures a smooth walking experience, while the alpha-shaped structure works with the customised material’s characteristics to provide users with good cushioning and walking assistance. In addition to ensuring support, the C-shaped knee joint is made with an elastic composite material that flexes under pressure and deforms to an angle that simulates the pressure of normal walking, thus making walking an even smoother experience. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Bionics

Red Dot

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