Drawbridge Health

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The US healthcare technology company Drawbridge Health was founded in 2015 by GE Ventures and GE Healthcare. The company’s goal is to advance blood sampling solutions so everyone everywhere can get insights into their personal health. Drawbridge Health launched the OneDraw Blood Collection Device as its first product in 2020. The small and innovative blood sample device was developed to make taking a blood sample easy and convenient and to stabilise the sample. Instead of a needle, it uses tiny lancets and vacuum technology to take blood from the upper arm and draw it into a removable cartridge. The blood is absorbed and stabilised, which means that the sample can be mailed without the need for it to be refrigerated. The brand presence creates a close visual connection to the subject of blood sampling. The graphically designed red drop in the logo symbolises the convenient and comfortable blood sampling approach, which leads to optimised health via data and actionable insights. The simplicity of the logo thus reflects the ease of this process. The drop is placed in front of the brand name as part of the logo mark. At the same time, the drop represents the connecting element across all media in the entire visual brand identity. The clear, simple shape and surface of the drop can be used to display information and as an outline for numbering or pictograms; a multitude of small, colourful drops can serve as a decorative frieze or format-filling background of an advertisement. Matching individual health subjects, the outline of the drop can also be filled with suitable structures. The key visual element thus combines great creative freedom with an equally strong sense of identity. The brand design of Drawbridge Health is simple and memorable, enabling people to identify with the brand and recognise it at any time – regardless of whether they encounter the brand in a doctor’s office, on billboards, in advertisements or on social media.

Red Dot

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