Bionic Positioning Fish

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In order to better protect fish population and the migration of aquatic animals, fishing is usually prohibited during a certain period of time in every water area. Unfortunately, there will always be boats that ignore administrative orders for illegal fishing. Management of such illegal fishing boats often requires a lot of manpower and resources, especially in locating the boats. Bionic Positioning Fish is a decoy and tracker designed to locate illegal fishing boats where fishing is prohibited. Composed of bionic fish fillet and bionic silicone shell, a Bionic Positioning Fish can be customised to resemble the characteristics of fishes in different water areas. An in-built navigation system allows the bionic fish to follow schools of fish and swim amongst them in disguise. When the bionic fish is caught together with a group of fish, the bionic fish will continue to provide GPS positioning of the illegal fishing boat so that law enforcement personnel can make their arrest efficiently. The Bionic Positioning Fish completely changes traditional modes of controlling illegal fishing. The release, movement and whereabouts of the bionic fish can be observed through an APP. Once the bionic fish leaves a specified water area, the APP immediately issues an alarm. When the seasons change, the waters are different and the size of the fish will greatly differ as well. Therefore, the APP allows the length of the Bionic Positioning Fish to be ‘spliced’ according to demand, which is enabled by a unit-based skeletal structure. Once the number of bone sections is confirmed, the head of the bionic fish then triggers the tail of the fish to be fixed. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Bionics

Red Dot

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