Team Island Hideaway
A Different Take on Nature Conservation
Beauty itself has already become the undoing of many places, and being an Instagram hotspot is often the beginning of the end. Taiwan therefore strictly protects many natural environments. The student project “Island Hideaway” aims to give people a feeling for the protected flora and fauna through packaging and scents, and to create real experiences without having to be there in person.
Red Dot about Team Island Hideaway
We want people to discover these protected environments visually and through scents, and to understand that you don’t always need to be in nature yourself to appreciate it.
Jo Ting Chen
Awarded in
Awarded projects 2024
Island Hideaway
Das Verpackungsdesign der Parfümserie Island Hideaway nimmt Bezug auf Taiwans Naturschutzgebiete und greift drei Themen auf: Reinheit wird durch Weiß symbolisiert, Umwelt durch aufwendige Gravuren und Tiermotive, Respekt ist durch die äußere Hülle versinnbildlicht, die die Verpackung umschließt und für Umweltschutz steht.