
WMF 125 Jahre Kinderbesteck (Krake, Auto, Schnecke)

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For 125 years, WMF has produced cutlery for children which ergonomically fits the size and proportions of small hands, helping children to use knives, forks and spoons according to their abilities. On the occasion of this anniversary, the advertising campaign promoted the children’s cutlery of this traditional company and picks up on the playful and sensual impulses which small children have when eating. Accordingly, the different motifs illustrate that for children eating is more than just the intake of food: it is a sensual assault, inspiration and sheer joy. The ability of children to imagine things can turn coincidentally spilled food and stains that are left during a meal into works of art. Thus, chocolate cream and cherry sauce splashed on a wooden floor can immediately turn into a snail, while spinach and egg can be spread and scattered on the dinner table in such a way that they make up a fast car. And the children’s cutlery of WMF is perfectly suited to making these creative works of art – that is the message, which is conveyed in a humorous and child-oriented approach. Statement by the jury »The concept of celebrating the anniversary of the children’s cutlery range of WMF with print advertisements that turn food stains and leftovers on floors, walls or tables into works of art is visualised in a highly unique and aesthetic manner. It plays with children’s liveliness and also with an old rule: “Don’t play with your food!”«

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