Wen Hua Cha

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Wen Hua Cha combines the unique process of dark tea fermentation and a new conceptual packaging to create a tea experience that is rich in cultural significance. One of the key features of the packaging is how the tea leaves are compressed and uniquely contained in the 'strokes' of each Chinese character. A 'stroke' in the Chinese language is the carrier of all Chinese characters, and the Chinese character is the root of continuing traditional culture. Each time we watch the tea leaves steeping in a cup of water, the form of the tea leaves call attention to the Chinese character. Wen Hua Cha demonstrates the spirit of the Chinese people and boosts our confidence in our Chinese culture. The product packaging is made with straw that is crushed, cooked and moulded into form using a processing technology. The colour of straw is completely retained even after this process. When the tea product is finished, the packaging can be repurposed as a teaching aid for recognising Chinese characters. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Ready to Launch | Skin

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