GPS Watch
Dive Computer
Suunto D9tx
The Suunto D9tx is one of the first wrist-sized diving computers with a trimix algorithm. It performs thousands of complex calculations, allowing divers constant access to information that helps them make diving-related decisions, like how long they have been underwater, how deep they are, and when it is time to resurface. The lightweight titanium casing, which is reminiscent of the waves on the ocean surface, is very robust and durable. The side pieces are inspired by the silhouette of a dolphin‘s nose.
The jury appreciated the ingenious implementation of the underwater world theme in the design of the Suunto D9tx. They were also fascinated by the pioneering technology concealed within the slim device.
Manufacturer:Suunto Oy, Finland
In-house design:Suunto Oy, Timo Yliluoma, Mikko Sepänniitty, Jyrki Uusitalo, Antti Kujala, Pia Talja, Finland