Children’s Vehicle
Balance Bike
Sooibe A1
The balance bike Sooibe A1 is made of lightweight aluminium and equipped with footrests that can be pushed inwards as well as rotated to prevent injuries or impacts when running. The handlebar has a non-slip honeycomb structure for secure control, and the high-quality finish ensures long-lasting use. The striking appearance with a contrasting colour scheme conveys robustness and is aesthetically pleasing.
Thanks to its light weight and contrasting colour scheme, the balance bike Sooibe A1 has a child-oriented design in terms of both aesthetics and functionality. The robust and high-quality material pleases.
Manufacturer:SOOIBE Intelligent Technology (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, China
In-house design:Yihang Pan, Zhenhui Ye, Ziming Qiu