Massage Gun
Move VI
The Move VI treadmill is built on a modular construction concept that simplifies both use and practicability. The entire treadmill and the individual beams showcase a reduced, simplistic design with rounded edges. The body is equipped with an innovative steaming technology for four-point suspension that provides comfortable movement to the user. The treadmill combines a custom tutorial system with interactive gaming features to make exercise healthier and more fun. A 23.8" high definition touchscreen and an innovative rotary switch facilitate easy operation.
The design of the Move VI treadmill catches the eye with a simplistic, powerful appearance, which communicates user-friendliness and functionality.
Manufacturer:Xiamen Renhe Sports Equipment Co., Ltd., Xiamen, China
In-house design:Yangjie Ren, Jiadong Ye
Design:Move VI Interactive Limited, Jie Chen, Haibin Qian, Hangzhou, China