Handmade Natural Class

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Handmade Natural Class contains a series of natural knowledge experience teaching materials that encourage the readers to go out into the field and find sensory nature experiences. These books on nature-related knowledge also guide users through self-learning and the exploration of the self-and-nature connection. The content is organised around the four basic elements of nature: water, air, sunlight, and the night sky. This project introduces the concept of a “portable nature classroom” by creating a folding book of folded posters and scientific teaching kits designed in tandem with the book and its packaging. Within each kit, you can find a scientific tool such as a sundial, wind vane, water quality testing kit and a planisphere. This is the best textbook for learning in the woods.

The folding poster pages provide engaging and colourful diagrams and infographics that help readers understand the subject more holistically. Handmade Natural Class combines teaching materials, a textbook, and fun science. The textbook is a large two-sided poster that is easy to read at a glance. A handle at the top makes it portable and easy to bring along wherever you go. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Visual Communication

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