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The idea of FLOATING is to gather all the electronics and office-dedicated systems and install them in the ceiling, leaving an empty space under each workstation. With the desk floating in the air, the user can move freely without constraints. If a space is needed for meetings, party or a chat, the movable workstations become very useful for this purpose. FLOATING further advances the potential use of space, contributing to greater efficiency of communication. Each workstation is movable and height-adjustable, providing a variety of options to perform one’s work. The user may either sit or stand on the floor; or even work on a treadmill. The design is in essence representative of a revolutionary office style. It is not only important to break the dullness of office life, but also to provide balance between work and health. It is believed that people who work under such office environments are more productive and creative. Undoubtedly, humanist-driven thinking will be a central idea in the trend of the future workplace.

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