Shower Enclosure
Shower Enclosure
DN Series I Comfort Close
Clear lines and a focus on the essential characterise the shower enclosure of the DN Series I Comfort Close shower enclosure. The slim profile frame lends it a distinctive lightness. The hinge embedded in the frame, as well as a stabiliser bar, support the static equilibrium of the construction. No handle is necessary to open the shower enclosure, since the glass door protrudes slightly and can be easily grasped and moved. A patented mechanism controls the smooth closing of the door with the aid of a gas-pressure spring.
The sophisticated locking system of the shower enclosure forms the basis of a memorable, handleless design that offers added value in terms of aesthetics and functionality.
Manufacturer:Blue Sanitary Ware, Foshan, China
In-house Design:Blue Sanitary Design Team Germany, Prof. Günter Horntrich, Cologne, Germany