Physiological Footwear

Ari – The Ultimate Activator

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Based on the philosophy of enhancing movement through instability, MBT attracted attention with the introduction of its Physiological Footwear line in 1996. Even now, 15 years later, this is still a significant principle characterising the appearance of this shoe collection. The proven curved sole technique with the motto “movement through instability” has been taken a step further in the form of its newest design, the Ari. This shoe features a new production technique that is also reflected in its aesthetic and functional appearance. A striking element is an integrated ventilation system which guarantees optimised aeration for the foot – even underneath the sole. This ventilation feature confidently dominates the shoe’s design, while the harmonious overall appearance of the shoe discreetly takes second stage. Biomechanically engineered structural pillars foster an internal dynamic and offer guidance to the foot during the gait cycle. The result is a successful interplay of form and function aiming to help enable people to bring more movement into their lives.

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