Designer profile

Make The Flow Agency — Customer satisfaction.

Make The Flow is a creative marketing agency that bases its endeavours on interactions between team members who specialise in many fields of modern art to combine a product with the vision, needs and comfort of the audience and the expectations and demands of the client. The agency’s team includes graphic designers, programmers, artists, professionals from many fields of marketing, business development, public relations and social media specialists, professional filmmakers, photographers and business analysts. The agency continuously strives for balanced growth, successfully achieving goals with its clients from around the world.

Interview with Make The Flow Agency 

Red Dot: How would you define good communication design?
Make The Flow Agency: Well-designed communication is one that leads to achieving set goals. How? By taking care of all consumer touchpoints with a product – both physical and virtual. Conscious communication building has to be started from the product itself. The product needs to intuitively respond to the researched and defined needs of the consumers. Brand identity and brand strategy must then be developed based on the values that are important to the target audience. Skilfully evoking memorable emotions is key. When designing communication, packaging that closely matches the strategy in form and content is also an important touchpoint.

What makes your work unique?
The uniqueness of our work comes from combining knowledge and skills from different fields within a single project. Thanks to the collaboration of programmers and marketing specialists, we are able to combine subtle emotions with hard data. Because the agency’s team is made up of artists who chase current trends, we design in accordance with modern standards but with a standout artistic flourish. Thanks to the know-how of our sales specialists, we are able to create innovative solutions that result in achieving targeted business goals. Understanding our clients’ visions and needs is paramount to us. Often entrepreneurs have a vision in mind for the growth of their business, which is sometimes difficult to realise on their own. Our job is to develop a realistic solution from this vision and turn it into reality to achieve business success. The uniqueness of this work is a sum of two parts – the well understood needs of the client and the specifics of the particular field, as well as an ever-developing team with complementary skills.

Was your award-winning work inspired by current social issues?
While creating our award-winning project, we first and foremost wanted to reduce the negative influence consumerism has on the natural environment. Nowadays, many products are manufactured and most of them have packaging. It is an important component, both functionally and in terms of marketing, of the product. Unfortunately, it becomes waste immediately after purchase. As designers, we can influence the state of the environment. By minimising pollution, we are actively responding to environmental issues. We designed the award-winning packaging as the only additional element to the product – which is not only eco-friendly, but also economical. Packing a pan into a cardboard box doesn’t require any extra padding. Moreover, all product information as well as the QR code are printed on the box, so there is no need for additional physical promotional materials. In addition, the packaging is made from recycled material and printed with eco-friendly ink. This way of minimising the waste generated when purchasing a product purchase is appreciated by both entrepreneurs and consumers, who are becoming more and more socially conscious.

Which target group would you like to address with your award-winning work?
We hope that our award-winning project will be an inspiration for producers and other designers, as well as proof that it is worthwhile for your work to be socially responsible, because it has economic and market benefits. Moreover, it is an encouragement to observe trends. According to the InFuture Institute’s Trend Map 2022, a “conscious consumerism” trend, which describes how clients will become increasingly aware of producers’ actions, will enter the mainstream in one to five years. It will be beneficial to prepare for these changes today and become a pioneer of great solutions. We are open to partnerships with producers, distributors and other agencies that believe in similar values as we do and need support in creating not only aesthetic but also functional projects.

Please describe the concept of creativity against the background of your award-winning work.
AMT Alumetall-Gießtechnik GmbH is an international, demanding client with whom we have been working for many years. We successfully support it both in the realisation of business concepts and in designing products. This long-term partnership that relies on active and ongoing communication allows us to maintain an efficient cooperation. Same happened during the creation of this project. We fully understood the vision and the need to create an eco-friendly packaging. Knowing how important this project was to our client, we were in contact with them every step of the way. The packaging should not only meet AMT’s business objectives, but also emphasise the producer’s social involvement. With that in mind, we created the packaging to be eco-friendly and economic.

“Customer satisfaction.”