
Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2015 – Looking forward to progressive endeavours

“To explore new issues and topics in design, to integrate design thinking, and to entrust high regard to quality of communication...” Prof. Kuan Cheng Neng, member of the design concept award jury kicks off the Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2015 by articulating what he is looking forward to for the coming contest.

Prof. Kuan reiterates what the design concept award is about: the exploration of topics and issues, manifested in well-communicated and well-designed product design concepts and ready to launch products. From 1 January 2015, Designers, design studios, manufacturers, and universities are called on to submit their best product ideas, prototypes and ready to launch products to the award.

Until 25 March 2015, the Red Dot Award: Design Concept accepts entries in four languages: English, German, Chinese and Korean. In order to take advantage of the discounts of the Early submission period, entries for the competition should be prepare and submit before 29 January 2015.

Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2015 – Dates

Registration periods (up until and including):
Early submission: 1 January – 28 January 2015
Standard submission: 29 January – 25 March 2015
Late submission: 26 March – 20 May 2015

Judging: June 2015
Awarding ceremony: 25 September 2015
Exhibition of the winning products: from 26 September 2015

» Further information and registration